Our Recipes

directly out of the Hackberry Rod & Gun secret cook book.




Back in the day and still today Martha (the boys mom) was dedicated to serving the tastiest and freshest meals here at the lodge. To this day (over 30 years later) we still serve her recipes with the same attention to freshness and quality for our customers. From her sausage stuffed pot roasted ducks to her homemade banana pudding “DUCK DUCK” (As she is known) is proud of her 3 boys, their families and their attention to her customers palate. Some of these recipes come directly out of the Hackberry Rod & Gun secret Cook book and some new ones we have tried and others are from family, customers and friends. Some of the recipes are TOP SECRET so keep this between us.


BAKED REDFISH Ingredients  Fillet Red fish Onion, sliced Bell pepper, sliced Butter Salt & [...]

Amazing times at Hackberry Rod & Gun in Southwest Louisiana!

We are the best fishing and hunting lodge on the gulf coast!

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The best fishing and hunting lodge in the world!

Hackberry Rod & Gun

485 Lake Breeze Drive, Hackberry, LA 70645

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