Monday Morning Update
GOOD CATCHES OVER COME STRONG WINDS LAST WEEK Good catches of redfish, trout and some flounder came to the cleaning table last week in spite of what seemed to be strong winds from every direction. Most fish [...]
GOOD CATCHES OVER COME STRONG WINDS LAST WEEK Good catches of redfish, trout and some flounder came to the cleaning table last week in spite of what seemed to be strong winds from every direction. Most fish [...]
GOOD CATCHES OF REDFISH AND TROUT WHEN THE WIND DIES Good catches of redfish and trout on live bait this past week on the south end of the lake. Limits of trout and redfish are being brought [...]
STRONG NORTH WIND SHUTS DOWN OPENING WEEKEND Cold north blows the water south leaving very little water to get our boats out of the lifts, so our opening weekend was closed. When fishermen are able to get [...]
JUST 5 MORE DAYS UNTIL WE KICK OFF OUR 2022 FISHING SEASON A few of our guides have been spotted out on the lake the last couple of days scouting and preparing to get back in [...]
SPRING AND FISHING SEASON IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNOR Now is the time to get your equipment and gear in shape for the coming season. Rods, reels, lures, line, and it’s a great time to change out [...]
SPRING IS ALMOST HERE AND SO ARE THE FLOUNDER This time of the year we set aside to make whatever repairs tat need to be done around the lodge and finish up whatever damage hurricane Laura did [...]
WHAT’S THAT SMELL ?? It’s the smell of saltwater, fishing tackle, speckled trout, and redfish. Now that duck season is history it’s time to turn to chasing south Louisiana fighting redfish and Speckled trout. Last year’s fishing [...]
THE LAST BANG OF THE YEAR Yesterday officially marked the last day of the 2021/2022 Duck season. To sum it up Captain Kirk allowed that it was bittersweet. Others termed it blind spotty. Some days some blinds [...]
SIX MORE DAYS OF THE 2021/2020 WATERFOWL SEASON Only 6 more days left to come enjoy what’s left of this year’s season, here in southwest Louisiana. As poor as this split has been for ducks the fishing [...]
STRONG NORTH WINDS BRING COLD WEATHER AND DUCKS TO THE DECOYS The last split of this year’s duck season is turning out to be much better than the early season. Good numbers of limits are coming back [...]