Monday Morning Update
SUMMER TIME FISHING PATTERN HAS BEEN ON FIRE Most everyone agrees that this summer fishing has been on fire. Many of our people believe that this summer has been the best one in 4 or 5 years. [...]
SUMMER TIME FISHING PATTERN HAS BEEN ON FIRE Most everyone agrees that this summer fishing has been on fire. Many of our people believe that this summer has been the best one in 4 or 5 years. [...]
DO YOU WANT TO CATCH FISH ? – CALL 888.762.3391 NOW Fishing could not be better right now. Call today and we can take you this week. I usually tell you about the past weeks fishing in this update [...]
HOT SUMMER PATTERN CONTINUES TO PRODUCE GOOD CATCHES Captain Kirk Stansel shares this week’s report for the Monday Morning Up-date: The hot summer pattern remains in control of our catching most every day. There has been redfish [...]
THE FISHING IS AS HOT AS THE WEATHER HERE ON LAKE CALCASIEU Typical July fishing will cap off this final week of the month. It seems that the trout are getting a little bigger and the Redfish [...]
SUMMER FISHING PATTERN CONTINUES TO PRODUCE SPECKLED TROUT Typical July fishing pattern is still producing speckled trout on Lake Calcasieu. Isolated summertime thunder bumpers can pop up at any time but are gone as quick as they [...]
JULY CONTINUES TO BE PRODUCTIVE UNDER THE GULLS AND OVER OYSTER REEFS A typical July continues to produce good catches of Speckled trout under working gulls and some very solid redfish in the clean water at the [...]
A LITTLE RAIN AND A LITTLE WIND AND A LOT OF SPECKLED TROUT The 4th of July brings our guides a little R & R – Most have been working nonstop since March. We closed 3 days last [...]
Here are few from last week for you to enjoy and you can see them all by clicking here -Click here to see our online photo gallery. CLICK HERE TO BOOK YOUR BOAT WE HAVE SOME [...]
SOME DAYS WIND – SOME DAYS RAIN – EVERYDAY FISH Last week produced a lot of fish for our guests. Check out the pictures below. Live shrimp supply has been good but many of our limits have been [...]
LOTS OF FUN THIS PAST WEEK CATCHING SPECKLED TROUT AND REDFISH IN THE BERRY Lots of trout action this past week around the old jetties on the south end of the lake on live shrimp and black/chartreuse [...]